Anniversary Message from Chair and CEO

old photo of people using a machine

Meeting Minutes, People Incorporated Archives

  • “…the means of forming a new corporation were discussed.” – July 8, 1968
  • “Meeting for the purpose of organizing the corporation…called to order by Mr. Clement Dowling, and he was selected as Chairman ..” – October 2, 1968


David Bedard

Fifty years ago, we know that the world was a very different place for people with intellectual and cognitive disabilities. Businesses and schools were not as accepting. Buildings, streets, and public transportation were challenging to navigate. Options for quality care and necessary services for families were rare.  It was in that world that caring, concerned parents and community leaders banded together to form a fledgling nonprofit that would grow into a change-making, innovative organization that positively affected and improved the landscape for children, adults, and families of all abilities throughout Southeastern Massachusetts.

Through consciousness raising, education, the passing of federal and local laws, and decades of hard and dedicated advocacy by individuals, parents, siblings, friends, caregivers, and agencies, there is more understanding, greater choice, and a clearer path to opportunity for all.

It was an honor to join the Board of Directors of People Incorporated back in 2003. The Agency had an impeccable reputation and was continuously growing and adapting to address community needs. Each year new programs and opportunities to serve others were introduced that were collaborative, creative, and just unheard of in 1968. I have now been on the board for 15 years, and the commitment to quality and innovative service delivery demonstrated by the many people of People Incorporated does not waver. I’m thankful to be a part of it, and I am so very proud to be at the helm as we join together to embark on the next 50 years!

David Bedard
Board of Directors

old photo of people standing in front of a People Inc verhicle

Meeting Minutes, People Incorporated Archives

  • “The Board of Directors accepted the recommendation of the Selection Committee of Mr. Arthur Bennett for the position of Executive Director. Mr. Bennett then addressed the group and explained how 680 Maple Street was the seat of this venture…” – October 2, 1968


Megan Scheffer

I can only imagine that the first Executive Director, Arthur Bennett, was both excited and a bit humbled by the enormous task that lay before him back in 1968 – starting a new nonprofit charged with creating groundbreaking programs and what would eventually become the comprehensive and successful Agency we all know today.

Believe me – excited, humbled, and honored is the way I felt when the Board of Directors promoted me to President and Chief Executive Officer of this incredible Agency back in July.

Much has changed since our founding in 1968, but we continue to develop our menu of supports for individuals with intellectual and cognitive disabilities including multiple areas of service that have grown dramatically, like supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder, day services, residential services, transportation, and so much more. We are also expanding our brain injury services and ancillary supports including siting new ABI day programs and skilled nursing residences. Our Early Intervention Program has thrived, along with our many early education and care offerings, including our Preschool, Children’s Center, Young Parents’ Learning Center, Healthy Families, Welcome Family, and the list goes on.

If we all stop for a moment to take a collective look back at just how far this Agency has come over the past 50 years, it is breathtaking. However, standing still and resting on our laurels is simply not possible because new community issues continue to emerge, and People Incorporated must grow and change to address them.

As I look forward to the future of this great Agency, I know that success is inevitable because of the combined strength of the wonderful people who comprise our staff and volunteers, and the Board of Directors who guide us. Join me as we celebrate this remarkable milestone together – the 50th Anniversary of People Incorporated!

Megan Scheffer
President & CEO