About People Incorporated
People Incorporated was founded in 1968 by parents of people with disabilities who were seeking better quality and more diverse services for their children. Today, the organization offers employment training and job development, day habilitation, community and family support services, residential services, and children's services including early education and care, early intervention, parenting programs, and preschool.
The story of our success
People Incorporated is a forward-thinking human service agency staffed by caring people who are proud to create opportunities for children, adults, and families throughout Southeastern Massachusetts.
Our mission is to strengthen our community for each of its members by providing premier services for children and adults of all abilities in a collaborative and creative environment.
Since our inception in 1968, we have been one of the largest providers of supports and services to people of ALL abilities in the community. As a partnership of specialized, integrated programs, we provide unique opportunities to people with life challenges. At the core of our agency is the belief that people benefit from the services we offer and deserve the highest level of quality support. With over 870 dedicated employees, we believe this is accomplished by creating positive partnerships between our agency and the community.
Service Model
Our service model includes supports for individuals with intellectual and cognitive disabilities and programs that address serious concerns faced within our community, including the school dropout issue, strengthening family support systems, and the need for improvement in the general health and well-being of our community.
Our success has been built upon a thoughtful, fully articulated business plan that we steadily change and improve. We have developed an annual strategic planning process that includes challenging but attainable goals in which all members of our organization participate. Over time, we have been able to create more understanding, value, and focus on the key areas necessary for us to continue our path to opportunity.

Commitment to Respect & Opportunity
People Incorporated is dedicated to fostering a workplace culture that values professionalism, collaboration, and mutual respect. People Incorporated strives to
- Ensure a supportive environment that promotes the well-being of our staff and the individuals we serve.
- Encourage open dialogue and a culture of respect in all workplace interactions.
- Commit time and resources to developing strong leadership within our staff and Board of Directors.
- Maintain a workplace where all employees are treated fairly and have access to opportunities for growth and advancement.
To uphold these principles, People Incorporated follows these action items:
- Provide professional development opportunities that enhance awareness and understanding of different perspectives.
- Support programs that encourage employees to pursue leadership roles within the Agency.
- Implement fair and consistent hiring, promotion, and evaluation processes to ensure all candidates are considered based on their skills and experience.
- Offer internal and community resources that promote a culture of respect and collaboration.
Our Core Values
Respectful - We are dedicated to having mutual regard for one’s feelings, values, and beliefs to promote a positive work culture and community.
Committed - We are committed to engaging ourselves and those we serve in our community by being visible and accountable for our words, our actions, and our results.
Accessible - We are accessible to employees, individuals we serve, and the community by having an open door and an open mind so we can continue building and maintaining effective relationships.
Supportive - We are devoted to providing assistance, resources, and encouragement through professional development, along with a diverse culture where community members can receive reassurance to seek and utilize the resources and support available to them.
Inclusive - We build an inclusive culture and environment of mutual respect and belonging to create better outcomes, decisions, and overall experiences in the workplace and our community.