Employment Services
Employment services are individualized to assist a person in choosing employment outcomes or career development based on their preferences, strengths, abilities, and needs. The service will identify sensory, behavioral, and work skill challenges that create barriers to employment. Employment planning uses job exploration by assigning the individual to an Employment Specialist. The Employment Specialists will assist the individual with: interest inventories, situational assessments, job shadowing, resume development, volunteer opportunities, soft skills training, and needs for assistive technology, job accommodations, and job adaptations.
Individual Supported Employment
Employment in the community where an individual will receive one to one job supports a few hours per week. The employment specialist will identify workplace supports required, and provide job coaching and on-going supports to ensure the individual becomes a successful employee.
Group Supported Employment
A group of individuals (typically three) work consistently with a job coach in the community. The job coach can motivate, assists with tasks, provide on-going training, and be an overall support at the work location to ensure successful employees.
Competitive Integrated Employment Service
Competitive Integrated Employment Service includes assessment, career planning, skill training, and job development and placement. Individuals work 20 plus hours per week.
Community Based Day Supports
Individuals work on skills training such as, social skills, job search, interviewing skills, dress codes, telephone skills, and computer skills, in addition to participation in community activities such as, volunteering, bowling, line dancing, bingo, art, music, gardening, and exercise at the YMCA.
Employment Services are funded by the Department of Developmental Services.
For more information about this service, please contact:

People Incorporated
4 South Main Street
Fall River, MA 02721