Greater Fall River Healthy Families wins statewide All-Star Award
Home visiting program earns accolades for productivity and performance

The Greater Fall River Healthy Families Team: (l to r) Margarita “Lori” Reyes, Ashley Carreiro, Sasha Rivera, Laurence Braegelmann, JoAnne Bernier, and Marcia Tinkham. Not pictured are Bethany Morales and Danika Holley.
Fall River, MA (June 30, 2023) – Greater Fall River Healthy Families, a program of People Incorporated, was the proud recipient of the Healthy Families Massachusetts All-Star Award at the Children’s Trust Annual Celebration Day in June. This prestigious award recognizes one of 24 Healthy Families programs throughout the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The Healthy Families Massachusetts Implementation Team shared their congratulatory statement about Greater Fall River Healthy Families, saying, “This program has had an incredibly stable team and has recently experienced staff turnover for the first time in many years. Every member of this team was included in the Recognition of Excellence program, and the three home visitors in the state that completed the highest number of home visits were from this program. Supervisors have worked hard to ensure participant needs are met by completing visits when staff are out, all while balancing their work supporting home visitors with reflective supervision. Despite managing the many changes taking place, the Program Coordinator continues to pursue initiatives to advance the home visiting field.”
Greater Fall River Healthy Families Program Coordinator and People Incorporated’s Director of Home Visiting & Service Coordination JoAnne Bernier added to the congratulatory statements about her team. “Of the 24 statewide Healthy Families programs, we are proud to bring this award home to Fall River. The staff is truly deserving of this recognition as they have worked diligently and have been attentive to maintaining consistency for families, despite being short-staffed.”
Greater Fall River Healthy Families provides home-based education, support, resources, and referrals to first-time parents residing in Fall River, Somerset, Westport, and Swansea. The program is free for participants. For more info, contact 508-679-5233.

An in-office photo of our award-winning team.
About People Incorporated
People Incorporated is a human services organization with programs throughout Southeastern Massachusetts that support children, adults, and families. Its mission is to strengthen our community for each of its members by providing premier services for children and adults of all abilities in a collaborative and creative environment.